...Supervision is a co-evolutionary activity and is characterised by a complex systemic dialogue...It is co-evolutionary, in that the supervisor, the worker and the families whom they work with evolve together.
— Paul B. Gibney Ph.D.

expanding your practice

Supervision is fundamental to healthy and sustainable practice for practitioners working in a range of human service settings. The absence of supervision can lead to feelings of isolation and self-doubt. Burn-out and/or bitterness towards our colleagues and the clients we work with can be symptoms of a lack of appropriate clinical supervision. 

To gain perspective and explore new understandings in our work, we often need to step away from our work environment. Seeking external supervision can provide you with a new lens to consider the often very complex client scenarios you find in your work.

The clinical supervision I provide continues your learning through a process of reflection, creativity and challenge. I draw on systemic and psychoanalytic frameworks to guide our sessions as we attempt to understand what clients are communicating.

Of course though, as Paul Gibney highlights, supervision is not a one-way transaction, instead it is a "co-evolutionary activity". In essence, both Supervisor and Supervisee bring skills, knowledge and experience to the supervisory relationship. This collaborative partnership leads to new ways of thinking and working that will inevitably flow into your work with children, young people, adults or families. 

If you have any questions about clinical supervision, or wish to organise a consultation, please click the link below.